Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Non-Academic Policies and Prohibited Conduct

Students at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and civil manner. Personal conduct and communication, either directly or indirectly with other students as well as faculty and staff, should conform to the college’s values and standards. As a member of the at-large community, students are encouraged to resolve disagreements through informal and open discussion. Often conflicts can be lessened, if not resolved, by clearing up misperceptions and misunderstandings. Students are strongly encouraged to resolve any related concerns in this manner. However, the college also recognizes that occasionally more formal processes are needed. All such activities, whether informal or formal, must be carried out by all participants in a framework of good faith and general respect for one another. Students are encouraged to contact Student Affairs for assistance or guidance in resolving any concerns or conflicts. Conflicts may be resolved through established disciplinary procedures and/or conflict resolution strategies. It is an expectation of the college that students have a reasonable knowledge of and adhere to the following prohibited conduct and policies: