Complaint Resolution Procedures
Conduct Authority
The Director of Residential Life and Student Conduct is charged with the development and administration of the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Conflict Resolution Procedures (CRP). The Director of Residential Life and Student Conduct or designee is responsible for the training of College Conduct Officers (CCO). The following individuals have been granted authority as College Conduct Officers over the execution of conduct proceedings:
- Student Affairs Executive Assistant,
- Associate Director of Campus Life
- Additional staff members in the College community as deemed appropriate and as trained by the Director of Residential Life and Students Conduct or designee, and College Conduct Board.
The aforementioned individuals may conduct administrative conferences with students who may have violated any College policy, included those found in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and SMWC student organization policies.
Administrative Conference
An Administrative Conference (AC) is intended to enhance a student’s awareness of College expectations; although educational, formative and/or disciplinary action may be a necessary result. An AC is a one-on-one meeting between the accused student and a College Conduct Officer (CCO). During an AC, the CCO will schedule an opportunity to meet with the accused student and discuss the alleged violation(s), documentation, and witness statements relevant to the complaint. The CCO may also discuss relevant conduct history, academic progress, extracurricular activities, prior community service, and relevant criminal proceedings.
College Conduct Board (CCB)
This board is comprised of one student in good standing with SMWC, one College faculty member, and one College staff member, and the Director of Residential Life and Student Conduct or her/his designee to serve as the advisor to the board. These individuals are elected by the Student Senate, Faculty Assembly, and Staff Assembly and trained by the Director of Residential Life and Student Conduct. When the CCB is convened, the Director of Residential Life and Student Conduct or her/his designee will convene the board as stated above by members of the College hearing board panel:
- Three students (undergraduate)
- Three faculty members, and
- Three staff members.
The CCB will hear all cases involving offenses that involve possible separation from the College to the CCB for a hearing. The CCB will review the evidence, hear testimony, and review information. The CCB further determines whether the respondent(s) is responsible for violations of the Code, and, as appropriate, recommend sanction. On a case-by-case basis, a CCB may be offered as an options for complaint resolution.
Conflict of Interest
No member of the conduct board or no conduct officer who has a conflicting interest in a particular case may participate in a conduct hearing for said situation. Conduct board members and conduct officers with conflicting interests must recuse themselves from the proceedings. Either the student or the complainant may challenge a member of the CCB or Conduct Officer in writing with the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. In cases where the Associate Vice President’s involvement is questioned, the challenge will be forwarded to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.