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AC - Addictions Counseling
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BI - Biology
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CD - Career Development
CH - Chemistry
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CR - Criminology
CS - Computer Science
EA - Equine Assisted Therapy
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EM - Emergency Management
EN - English
EQ - Equine Studies
EV - Environmental Science
EXS - Exercise Science
FR - French
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MMT - Myoskeletal Massage Therapy
MSL - Military Science and Leadership
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SM - Sport Management
SO - Sociology
SP - Spanish
SS - Social and Behavioral Science
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Graduate Catalog
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Graduate Catalog
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Graduate Catalog
Archived Catalogs
> EQ - Equine Studies
EQ - Equine Studies
EQ 100
Orientation to Equine Studies
EQ 101
Introduction to Equine Studies
EQ 103
First Year Stable Management: Routine Horse Care/First Aid
EQ 105
First Year Stable Management: Routine Horse Care/First Aid
EQ 111
Training and Handling I
EQ 121
Beginning English Riding Level I
EQ 122
Theory of Dressage
EQ 123
Beginning Western Riding Level I
EQ 131
Beginning English Riding Level II
EQ 133
Beginning Western Riding Level II
EQ 150
Introduction to Equine Industry
EQ 200
General Equine Health
EQ 206
Introduction to Horse Judging & Evaluation
EQ 207
Advanced Horse Judging & Equine Evaluation
EQ 208
Equine Nutrition
EQ 209
Applied Equine Feeding
EQ 210
Equine General Health
EQ 211
Principles of Selection
EQ 212
Facilities and Farm Equipment Operations and Management I
EQ 213
Facilities and Farm Equipment Operations and Management II
EQ 214
Theory of Basic Training
EQ 215
Theory of Equitation
EQ 216
Introduction to Therapeutic Riding
EQ 222
Dressage I
EQ 224
Jumping I
EQ 225
Course Design
EQ 238
Timed Event
EQ 240
Beginners Roping Level I
EQ 253
Second Year Stable Management I
EQ 255
Second Year Stable Management II
EQ 261
Intermediate English Riding, Level I
EQ 263
Intermediate Western Riding, Level I
EQ 271
Intermediate English Riding, Level II
EQ 273
Intermediate Western Riding, Level II
EQ 280
Topics in Equine Studies
EQ 293
English/Western Equipment and Tack Preparation
EQ 294
Equine Genetics
EQ 295
Functional Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse
EQ 300
Farrier Science
EQ 304
Equine Sales & Marketing
EQ 306
Equine Lameness
EQ 308
Equine Facility Design
EQ 309
Equine Event Management
EQ 310
Application of Software for Equine Operations
EQ 311
Equine Endocrinology
EQ 316
Basic Schooling
EQ 317
Equine Exercise Science
EQ 318
Introduction to Driving
EQ 322
Dressage II
EQ 324
Jumping II
EQ 335
EQ 337
Western Trail
EQ 344
Introduction to Equine Instruction
EQ 347
Restraint and Handling Techniques for Pre-veterinary Students
EQ 348
Equine Therapies and Rehabilitations
EQ 350
Biomechanics of Riding
EQ 353
Third Year Equine Sales & Marketing I
EQ 355
Third Year Equine Sales & Marketing II
EQ 360
Organization & Administration of Equine Operations I
EQ 361
Advanced English Riding
EQ 363
Advanced Western Riding
EQ 370
Equine Business Law and Ethics
EQ 401
Equine Reproduction
EQ 402
Equine Assisted Reproductive Technologies
EQ 404
Equine Artificial Insemination
EQ 406
Mare and Foal Management
EQ 411
Training and Handling II
EQ 416
Advanced Schooling
EQ 417
Equine Environmental Management
EQ 420
Practicum (Management)
EQ 421
Practicum (Teaching)
EQ 422
Practicum (General)
EQ 453
Fourth Year Equine Leadership I
EQ 455
Fourth Year Equine Leadership II
EQ 460
Organization and Administration of Equine Operations II
EQ 461
Undergraduate Research in Equine Studies
EQ 480
Topics in Equine Studies
EQ 490
Equine Internship Experience
EQ 495
Equine Capstone