
Human Resource Management

Effective management of human resources within organizations is a key factor in helping businesses and government agencies meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Human resource management is increasingly critical to the success and survival of organizations as the legal and economic environment becomes more complex. The Human Resource Management major at the Woods is recognized by the Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM). SMWC partnered with ISU to create the Wabash Valley Collegiate SHRM Chapter.  This recognition illustrates the work done at SMWC to bridge the gap between academic excellence in students and their business readiness after graduation.

With a major in Human Resource Management, students will be prepared for entry-level positions in the field. The program learning outcomes for this major include:

1. Ability to communicate well

a. Writing

b. Speaking

c. Power Point

d. Integrating Excel and Word

2. Ability to utilize the critical thinking tool, Elements of Thought, to answer questions, solve problems, make decisions, and continue to grow as a critical thinker

3. Ability to work as a member of a team

4. Ability to solve problems and make decisions, including use of financial analysis

5. Display of professional attitude and ethical awareness

6. Aware of domestic and international business environment

The liberal arts Woods Core requirements help students become adaptive to the changing needs of the organization and understand the environment in which the organization operates. The general core of business courses prepares students to understand the business as a whole; the specialized courses in Human Resource Management prepares them to perform these functions and activities.