
Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning opportunities at the College are part of the institution’s continuing effort to prepare students personally and professionally for responsible roles in contemporary society. Commonly defined as learning by doing, experiential learning provides students with challenging alternatives to classroom activities. A variety of programs give students an opportunity to explore and refine their career interests and objectives, while developing skills and insight into their future profession. Many students are required to complete experiential learning, such as a practicum, internship or service learning, as part of their curricula.

Career Development (CD 290)

This course enables students to evaluate their interests, values, skills and personality traits, and explore career and life paths that match and complement these traits. Students will complete career and professional development assignments, including career assessment, online webinars, related readings, and quizzes. Students will learn a variety of skills related to professional development, life and career planning, career research, resume development, networking strategies and professionalism. This course is recommended to all students, especially those considering an internship.


An internship is a work experience with a company or organization. The internship experience is directly related to the student’s major area of study and structured within the College’s approved guidelines for the internship program. Close supervision by the internship coordinator, a faculty adviser and the on-site supervisor assists the student in attaining the goals outlined in the individual learning agreement. This structured experience also enables students to obtain the hands on experience that will make them marketable when they begin their job search. Because of the skill level required for optimum benefit, the internship is normally reserved for third and fourth year students. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required. The internship is designated with the course number 490 (e.g., AD 490, PS 490, etc.). A maximum of twelve hours of internship credit may be applied toward graduation.