

Probation, Suspension and Academic Dismissal

Students will be reviewed each term for Satisfactory Academic Progress and placed on academic probation (financial aid warning) when their cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 and/or they are not successfully completing 67% of all courses attempted. Prior to the start of the next term, the student will be notified in writing of the probationary status and of the conditions of the probation. Occasionally the resolution of an incomplete grade may change a student’s academic status. A student may remain on academic probation for no more than two consecutive terms. Extra-curricular activities may be restricted for students who are on probation.

A student may be suspended from the College for one semester or longer, if:

The semester GPA is less than 1.0, or

The semester GPA is less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, or

The cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters.

Prior to the start of the next term, a student who is suspended (financial aid probation) will be notified in writing of the suspension, its duration and the conditions for eligibility to apply for readmission.

Generally, dismissal from the College is the result of unsatisfactory performance following a student’s return from a prior suspension. However, a student may be dismissed from the College without previous probation or suspension if the student’s academic performance in a given semester is deemed sufficiently unsatisfactory as to warrant dismissal.

Dismissal for Social Cause

A student may be dismissed for social cause. Unsatisfactory conduct or influence will result in dismissal from the College. If, in the judgment of the administration, a student is exerting a harmful influence, the student may be dismissed without any special act of insubordination. It is understood that students, parents and sponsors of all students accept these conditions.